
In addition to the normal web based alarms, there is also support for Pushover based alarms and notifications.

To get started install the Pushover application on your iOS or Android device and create an account.

Using that account login to Pushover, in the top left you’ll see your User Key, you’ll need this plus an application API Token/Key to complete this setup.

You’ll need to Create a Pushover Application. You only need to set the Application name, you can ignore all the other settings, but setting an Icon is a nice touch. Maybe you’d like to use this one?

Pushover is configured using the following Environment Variables:

  • ENABLE - pushover should be added to the list of plugin, for example: ENABLE=”pushover”.
  • PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN - Used to enable pushover notifications, this token is specific to the application you create from in Pushover.
  • PUSHOVER_USER_KEY - Your Pushover user key, can be found in the top left of the Pushover site, this can also be a pushover delivery group key to send to a group rather than just a single user. This also supports a space delimited list of keys. To disable INFO level pushes set this to off.
  • PUSHOVER_ALARM_KEY - An optional Pushover user/group key, will be used for system wide alarms (level > WARN). If not defined this will fallback to PUSHOVER_USER_KEY. A possible use for this is sending important messages and alarms to a CWD that you don’t want to send all notification too. This also support a space delimited list of keys. To disable Alarm pushes set this to off.
  • PUSHOVER_ANNOUNCEMENT_KEY - An optional Pushover user/group key, will be used for system wide user generated announcements. If not defined this will fallback to PUSHOVER_USER_KEY or PUSHOVER_ALARM_KEY. This also support a space delimited list of keys. To disable Announcement pushes set this to off.
  • BASE_URL - Used for pushover callbacks, usually the URL of your Nightscout site, use https when possible.
  • API_SECRET - Used for signing the pushover callback request for acknowledgments.

If you never want to get info level notifications (treatments) use PUSHOVER_USER_KEY="off" If you never want to get an alarm via pushover use PUSHOVER_ALARM_KEY="off" If you never want to get an announcement via pushover use PUSHOVER_ANNOUNCEMENT_KEY="off"

If only PUSHOVER_USER_KEY is set it will be used for all info notifications, alarms, and announcements.

For testing/development try localtunnel.

All information, thought, and code described here is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Nightscout currently makes no attempt at HIPAA privacy compliance. Use of code from github.com is without warranty or support of any kind. Please review the LICENSE found within each repository for further details. Use Nightscout at your own risk, and do not use the information or code to make medical decisions.